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Delivery of New Sticker Stackers in Skinnskatteberg

Skinnskatteberg sawmill has invested in two new sticker stackers with associated buffers, as well as in rebuilding the existing green sorting system, which was delivered by Renholmen.
“We’ve had a good collaboration, and the investment will contribute to increased production,” says Urban Vikström, sales representative at Renholmen.

Skinnskatteberg sawmill belongs to the timber products company Setra. The company has invested in a new saw line for small-dimensioned logs, which will result in greater efficiency and increased resource utilisation.
Renholmen has delivered solutions that process the timber after the new saw line – a new centre stick placer with associated buffer as well as a plank buffer and a new sticker stacker for side planks.

“From the saw line come planks and boards that we sort and put in drying packs in the new sticker stackers,” explains Viktröm. “You can either drive the side planks directly to the sticker stacker or via the old tray sorter section.”

Renholmen has project managers, fitters, and automation technicians on-site in Skinnskatteberg. The work will take place in two stages, with phase one completed in late autumn 2023. Phase two will begin in March 2024.