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Meet Hans Eriksson - Sales Representative

He’s like an encyclopedia when it comes to sawmills and timber handling equipment. Many say that if Hans Eriksson doesn’t know it, it’s not worth knowing. He sees it as a journey where he learns something new every day.

“No day is like the other, and you never stop learning. It’s really fun to see something that was once just an idea become a reality, and in most cases, it turns out very well.”

He practically grew up in sawmills as his father worked as a project manager/production manager at SCA Bollsta. As far back as Hans can remember, his father took his job very seriously and was never absent due to sickness. Following in his father’s footsteps, Hans started working at Hammars between 1984 and 1997 and ended up at Renholmen when Hammars and Renholmen merged. He just changed business cards and kept working.

“I really enjoy working at Renholmen with my colleagues and the high level of expertise throughout the company. There’s an enormous commitment to always act professionally and seriously.”

“Since we sell projects, the whole company gets involved, and even though Renholmen is now a fairly large company, there’s seamless cooperation across all departments. It’s a pretty flat organization.”

In his role, he has frequent customer contacts and travels quite a bit, mainly in the Nordic countries. He identifies customers’ needs and finds solutions to their problems from Renholmen’s extensive range of products. He’s also involved in providing input to the company’s quotation engineers and ultimately puts together offers.

In addition to this, he also works a lot with aftermarket down to the spare parts level.

“Even though many sawmills are fundamentally quite similar, none is an exact copy of the other. I see it as a continuous education down to the screw and nut level. This means that I rarely don’t have an answer when customers ask about details. All of this makes it a very varied job.”

For several years now, the industry has been booming, and there’s more to do than ever for Hans and his colleagues.

“Since wood is a natural material, the industry has even more potential to develop in the future, which promises a bright future.”

Image: Hans Eriksson gearing up to showcase Renholmen’s products at the Ligna 2023 trade fair in Germany.